
Since President Obama was elected in 2008, he has diligently worked to push his big government agenda, exploiting various social enclaves to advance his agenda - one such group would be the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

Unfortunately this group has been pushed to the wayside in the political wrestling of Washington, with Democrats claiming to stand for equal rights but remaining ambiguous, and Republicans claiming to stand for equal rights but embracing far right ideology of the Christian base.

The Gay Tea Party of America was formulated to spread the word of lower taxes, limited government, and social equality - just as the founding fathers intended.

Hopefully the nation's various other tea parties can come together and unite under one banner to fight the injustices perpetuated under this administration and forge a new, better future.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Don't Ask Don't Tell Repealed In Senate!

It looks like the Democrats have decided to pass legislation that will actually decrease government regulation - the Senate passed legislation allowing gays to openly serve in the military!  It is not the government's place to discriminate and regulate sexuality and morality, and it is shameful that the Republicans who voted against this bill continue to cry about small government but then go ahead and vote to continue discriminating against the soldiers that protect this nation.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Open Thread - Welcome!


Feel free to leave some thoughts behind in how the principles espoused by the tea partier can help make America a better place, but remember to be respectful - even to opposing ideas!

Also, if you have any suggestions for TGTPoA, please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions - TGTPoA is only as great as those who step forward and take the reigns into their own hands...