
Since President Obama was elected in 2008, he has diligently worked to push his big government agenda, exploiting various social enclaves to advance his agenda - one such group would be the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

Unfortunately this group has been pushed to the wayside in the political wrestling of Washington, with Democrats claiming to stand for equal rights but remaining ambiguous, and Republicans claiming to stand for equal rights but embracing far right ideology of the Christian base.

The Gay Tea Party of America was formulated to spread the word of lower taxes, limited government, and social equality - just as the founding fathers intended.

Hopefully the nation's various other tea parties can come together and unite under one banner to fight the injustices perpetuated under this administration and forge a new, better future.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Obama Hands Over $60 Million Top Secret Helicopter To Chinese

When President Barack Hussein Obama sent in highly-trained forces to assassinate the unarmed Osama bin Laden in his Pakistani compound, one of the helicopters - a modified top-secret stealth vehicle - transporting the troops was damaged but not destroyed.  The wreckage was left for the inept Pakastani government to do with as they will, and they currently want to give the Chinese a peak.

Pakistan is the recipient of billions of dollars in aid and this is how they repay us?

BHO is showing to be the real neophyte in foreign relations here.  Had this been Reagan, the helicopter would have been returned the same day, with all the dirt polished off, but now America's stealth helicopters are at risk at becoming obsolete because the novice-in-chief couldn't perform a simple clandestine operation correctly.

Talk about bust for the American taxpayer!