
Since President Obama was elected in 2008, he has diligently worked to push his big government agenda, exploiting various social enclaves to advance his agenda - one such group would be the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

Unfortunately this group has been pushed to the wayside in the political wrestling of Washington, with Democrats claiming to stand for equal rights but remaining ambiguous, and Republicans claiming to stand for equal rights but embracing far right ideology of the Christian base.

The Gay Tea Party of America was formulated to spread the word of lower taxes, limited government, and social equality - just as the founding fathers intended.

Hopefully the nation's various other tea parties can come together and unite under one banner to fight the injustices perpetuated under this administration and forge a new, better future.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Activist Democrat Party Judge Blocks Union Law

Activist Democrat party judge Susan Boyle Maryann Sumi blocked the Wisconsin bill from taking effect.  The bill, passed legally solely by Republicans when Democrats refused to represent their districts and fled to neighboring Illinois, has been sabotaged along the way by Democrats and union thugs at every level.  The Secretary of State Doug La Follette has stalled publishing the bill, buying time for opponents of what is right to try everything in their Saul Alinsky handbook to derail this from happening.

Wake up America - the Democrats want workers to be a slave to the unions

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